What if you could change the world, feel fulfilled AND ditch burn out?

Alignment Coaching

Helpers deserve to have easeful lives with stability and healing available. So many of us get stuck in burnout because we want to give back.

  • Our over-empathy makes it so we would rather give to others than take care of ourselves OR

  • we feel like we’re the only ones who can give to others what they need. 

Helpers undercharge, overdeliver, and burn out fast. This means that the most necessary group of people in the world are fizzling out more quickly than their passions can carry them. I want to change that. 

Coaching Opportunities

  • Individual Packages

    How to help sustainably, get secure, and make choices from a place of worth, not pressure and martyrdom. Packages designed to get you from over worked to fulfilled and rested. Choose from focuses such as money, self care, boundaries and more.

  • Group Coaching

    Community can amplify the results of growth work. Community is often the mirror and the nest that supports and catalyzes our growth process. It is where I have witnessed the most profound changes in folks hoping to find new ways to relate to themselves, their patterns and the world.

  • Events

    If you want to give coaching a try, but not ready to commit to a package or program, try one of these events! The Enneagram, psychodrama work, and attachment oriented tranings are happening on a revolving basis.

Relational healing happens with support, high quality resources, and community.

Have you ever noticed how your attachment patterning shows up in real life?

It’s a Sunday morning. You have just woken up to dirty dishes in the sink and your mind is reeling with the laundry list of things your partner doesn’t do. The expectations they don’t fulfill, the ways in which they don’t measure up. Your complaints overwhelm your thinking so much that approaching your partner with compassion feels impossible.

Or maybe you’re dating, and you're wondering why the hell people keep ghosting you. Or why you just don’t feel like you can connect more deeply than a few dates. 

And if you’re parenting or caregiving, just accomplishing one task without feeling completely triggered (especially if you’re sleep deprived) is a job in itself. 

This is your attachment patterning in action. This is how it shows up in real life moments, and how it interrupts and hijacks connection and growth. This is how it keeps you and the people in your life stuck in the same old patterns. 

What if you could experience this pattern but instead of being in it, you are floating above it, watching it? What if you had spaciousness to separate who you are from the pattern and understand it differently? What could you learn about yourself? How might you shift your perspective on your relationships and how they contribute to your overall well being? 

Welcome to HELD:

a space to learn about your patterns in real time with all the cozy support you could ever need to make big changes in your relationships to yourself and to your loved ones.  a multi-disciplinary approach, you will get to learn about yourself not just from an attachment lens, but in harmony with other modalities too like the Enneagram, parts work, embodiment, boundaries and many more. And just to be clear, this is not a lecture and learn program. HELD is an experiential deep dive into attachment theory. This program creates experiences for you to actively shift and learn in the moment, notice and understand your , and change it with support, guidance, clarity, and love. This is not a place to vent or simply verbally process—we are intent on creating real, lasting change in your nervous system and that requires a different type of presence. We are here to guide you!

A multi-disciplinary approach to embodying security in your relationships.

We created the coaching group we wish we had.

HELD incorporates perspectives in the Enneagram, embodiment, boundaries, parts and Internal Family Systems work, and lots more, all at the intersection of attachment theory.

HELD provides several opportunities each week to engage in the material. Outside of the weekly coaching group on Thursdays at 11am EST (which we see as the foundation of this offering), you can also be part of:

  • Weekly office hours with Elizabeth and Monica

  • An hour of individual coaching each month of the program

  • An interactive online platform full of resources and discussion with other participants

  • A BONUS astrology offering with Liz Gunn, intuitive astrologer, who will provide group guidance around relationships, healing, and growth, specific to your astrological blueprint