The First One (Kinda)


I took a sabbatical from Chopra. Empowered Enneagram has been gone without a trace for almost 2 years. I had a baby. I co-created HELD. So much has happened and I find myself in a new era of my identity. While I am in the midst of the liminal space, I find myself drawn to certain aspects of my work more than others. This is not the era to re-organize and create systems. This era is filled with chaos and discovery as the layers of who I was fall away and a true-er version emerges.

A couple of things that feel certain right now:

  • I still love what I do. I am more in love than ever with my work. The clients I am working with are truly the most amazing humans I have ever had the pleasure of working with. Sometimes I cannot believe they chose me to be a witness to their extraordinary selves. I still love helping people be themselves. Find and create their own safety. Take up space.

  • I miss writing. I’ve been on a long term hiatus from writing and it’s time for a renaissance. So, I’m back in a new way. And I hope you’ll join me

One thing I refuse to do is overpromise. So, I am going to aim for ONE post per month. Help hold me accountable.


Disorganized, What?


Outback Steakhouse and Chaotic Family Dynamics